from Seoul, South Korea
37.5519° N, 126.9918° E

 Jemin Kim

Jemin Kim (김제민, 1998, KR) is a graphic designer presently based in The Netherlands. Drawing inspiration from the world's diverse narratives, she possesses a special affinity for films and music spanning various genres. Her love for media, augmented by research and writing, propels her creativity. She delights in crafting imaginary scenarios, springing from unknown realms and limitless possibilities. At present, she is delving into her own identity, shaped by experiences in this new and unfamiliar (and low!) country. Her method of warmly embracing the new, whilst often reflecting on the past, renders her world beautifully complete. In a world rife with confusion and chaos, she aims to channel her passion into her endeavours with sincerity.

Minerva Art Academy, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, NL
2019-2023 | Bachelor of Arts in Graphic & Interaction Design, Cum Laude

I’ve got so much more to show + tell you;
( Email )
( Instagram ) @_jemighty_
( LinkedIn ) /jeminkim


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  1. Praese Vita
  2. Nulla Vehicu AI
  3. UkamCors
  4. Dictum Magna
  5. Cursus Ex
  6. Suspendis Est
  7. Facili Sap
  8. Et Magni Disc
  9. Eget Massa
  10. Sem Dapibus
  11. Vestibulum Facili
© 2024. Jemin Kim all rights reserved.
The triumph of life belongs to those who love